Free Software,Free Society

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

more 30 Interesting Facts You May Not Know

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31.  Over 6,000 new computer viruses are released every month.
32.  A virus can not appear on your computer all by iself. You have to get it by sharing
infected files or diskettes, or by downloading infected files from the Internet.
33.  The worst MS­DOS virus ever, Michelangelo (1991) attacked the boot sector of your hard drive and any floppy drive inserted into the computer, which caused Brightways the virus to spread rapidly.
34.  The QWERTY keyboard layout is 129 years old.
35.  South korea's SK telecom offers an inaudible ring tone to its customers which, it
claims, can repel mosquitoes.
36.  In 1971, the fi rst speech recognition software named, "Hearsay" was developed
in India.
37.  The four largest software makers in the world are:­ (a) Microsoft (b) Adobe (c)
Sap (d) Computer Associates.
38.  Top Ten Supercomputers of Today:­
Arranged according to the speed:­
1.  Bluegene/L DD2 Beta­system(IBM).
2.  Columbia (NASA).
3.  Earth Simulator (NEC).
4.  MareNostrum(Barcelona Supercomputer Center).
5.  Thunder (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).
6.  ASCI Q(Los Alamos National Laboratory).
7.  System X(Virgina Tech).
8.  Blugene/L DD1 Prototype(IBM).
9.  eServer pSeries 655 cluster(Naval Oceanographic Office).
10.  Tungsten(National Center For Supercomputing Applications).
39.  Hard drives in the near future are expected to have a track density of about
100,000 tracks/inch.This means that tracks are spaced 10 millionths of an inch
40.  The first ISP was Compuserve, established in 1969 which is now under AOL.
41.  The Palm O.S fits in less than 100 K,which is less than one percent the size of
Windows 98 or Mac O.S.
42.  What does 50 G.B of storage really mean?It means we can stack 3 piles of single
spaced type written pages taller than the Eiffel tower and data to support this
information is about 50 gigabytes.
43.  The code name for the 12 engineers who designed the IBM pc was :­ 'The dirty
44.  When the cd was invented, it was decided that a cd should be long enough to
hold beethoven's Ninth Symphony at any tempo which was precisely 72 minutes.
45.  128 bit SSL encryption is so strong that it would take much , much longer than
the age of universe to crack a message encrypted using it.Even 20 years from
now, if computers are a million times faster. it would still take longer than the
age of the universe to crack it.
46.  Disk drive recording head fly height (gap between the head and disc when the
drive is spinning ) is less than 1 microinch while:­
A red blood cell is 300 microinches is diameter.
A particle of tobacco smoke is 250 microinches.
A particle of smog is 100 microinches.
A human hair is 4000 microinches.
47.  When Windows 3.1 was launched, 3 million copies were sold in the first two
48.  Windows 95 can run on 386DX at 20 Megahertz, with just 4 M.B of RAM.
49.  David Bradley wrote the code for [Ctr]+[Alt]+[Delete] key sequence.
50.  At 250 tons and 60,000 vacuum tubes, the SAGE system was the largest,
heaviest and most expensive computer system ever built! The SAGE required
over 20,000 square feet (1950's).
51.  IBM got its nickname "Big Blue" not from the color of the computers but from the
dark blue suits that its early sales force wore. IBM had one of the greatest sales
forces in the country, even before IBM started making and selling digital
52.  Internet has spawned several new words. Did you know that a netizen is a
citizen of the Internet? You do now. A netiquette is etiquette for the Internet.
53.  Search Utility­(also called search tool)­This is the page you see when you visit a
search website.
54.  Google is a version of the word Googol, which is the number 1 followed by 100
zeroes, representing the large number of web pages Google searches. 42. The
first online version of an encyclopedia and the first one on CD was Grolier.
55.  Anyone who uses a computer is probably familiar with Wikipedia, but did you
know that this word is formed from the Hawaiian word, wiki (meaning "quick")
and the word encyclopedia? Now you do.
56.  e­Bay was started in 1995; more than 1 billion dollars worth of merchandise are
sold each month by its users.
57.  A plug­in is a small piece of software that adds features to a larger piece of
software. Plug­ins are often used by Internet browsers to increase the
program's functions.
58.  MP3 stands for MPEG­Layer III; it's a film compression method that shrinks the
size of data sent over the Internet or used on a computer. That's why you can
load hours and hours of music on those MP3 players.
59.  Did you no typewriter is the only 10 letter word you can spell with the top row of
keys on a keyboard.
60.  the sentense "the quick brown fox jumps over a little lazy dog" contains all the
alphabats of english language.
61.  It is believed that the first computer virus released in the world was a bosector virus, which was created in the year 1986 by Farooq Alvi brothers. It was
designed by them to protect their research work.
62.  TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one
row of the keyboard.
63.  The computer mouse, the windowing GUI, laser printing, and the network card
were all developed at one company; Xerox in Palo Alto, California.
64.  The computer in your cell phone has more processing power than all the
computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that put 2 men on the moon.
65.  HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple have one thing in common. All of them were
started in garages.
66.  Computer circuitry can be destroyed by static electricity. It is so mild for humans
that we don't even feel it.
67.  Interface Manager! That's what Windows was originally named.
68.  Tim Berners­Lee coined the phrase “World Wide Web” in 1990.
69.  Mosaic was the first popular web browser which was released in 1993.
70.  The average human being blinks 20 times a minute – but only 7 times a minute
when using a computer.

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